Since I always wanted a Blackberry and Crystal always wanted a phone to text message, I recently purchased my very own Blackberry 8700g and I purchased the Samsung Gravity in lime green for my daughter. Believe me, life hasn’t been the same since. Talk about some serious technology. My phone vibrates all day long, since I receive email messages from three, separate email accounts. I have even downloaded a couple of ring tones such as “Miss Independent” by Ne Yo. And I use the pictures I have stored online at www.myt-mobile.com for screensavers.
Both Crystal and I have Facebook and Myspace accounts, so we can use our phones to change our profile status, check either other’s mood status, check our friends’ status and so on. Technology is wonderful because we can do everything at the touch of a finger. Since she is a “High School Musical” fan, she even downloaded a couple of screensavers for her phone.
With her Samsung Gravity, my daughter is obsessed with text messaging. I don’t text message. It takes too much time to text message, when I can simply use the phone to do with it is meant for in the first place and that is for dialing a phone number and actually talking to a live person. Her phone has a camera; mine does not. Both phones have a specially-designed keyboard for typing messages. Like I said before, I don’t text message; I send and receive email messages. Most of the time, Crystal will send me an email message rather than pick up the phone to call me. She says, “text messaging is the “in” thing and no body uses the phone to call anymore.” Unless I am busy at work or doing some else, I usually respond to her immediately.
So far she is responsible and I don’t have to worry about her running up the bill. Plus, I monitor all activity online or via cell phone. Not to mention the fact that I will only pay for a certain amount of usage each month. Since I purchased my phone so I can read most of my emails; I can sit on the bus and send an email to my co-workers, letting them know I’m on my way; I can use the GPS system to find locations, and I send/receive pictures to my daughter of the cutest baby ducks I ever seen! How cool is that?